Member Associations

of Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association

Willow Grove Chapter


Membership in MTNA – Willow Grove Chapter of PMTA fosters the musical growth of the independent music teacher through high-quality continuing education programs, the sharing of ideas and business practices, and Certification of attained musical knowledge. Other benefits include performance and scholarship opportunities for students, and networking and social events with other teaching professionals. Membership has many rewards!

WGC Classes of Membership

Active Membership

Open to all individuals in any field of music education or activity. Members can participate in activities sponsored by the chapter and admission to general meetings. Active members can hold office and vote on any matters put before them by the Board. Active members pay full annual dues, including State and National, and are considered "voting members."

Student Members

Open to any music student through age 26 and currently involved in collegiate music study. Students members may attend general meetings and participate in any activities sponsored by the chapter, but cannot vote or hold office.

Active Membership

Membership fee for the year……………………………………………………………………………………….….$25.00

State PMTA………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………..$50.00

Senior Discount for members over 70 years of age………………………………………………..…….$37.50

National MTNA……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….$101.00

Senior Discount for members over 70 years of age………………………………………………..…….$75.75

Non-Member fee for workshops and Master Classes..………………………………………….……….$10.00

**It is necessary to pay state and national dues in order to join the Willow Grove Chapter.

Student Members

• NDVC                       $12.50

• State                       $10.00

• National MTNA          $16.00

TOTAL STUDENT          $38.50

How to Join

Sign up for membership through National MTNA.

For information, membership applications, and to join online:

Membership Link MTNA